Our heating experts* can repair, install or update your furnace, hot water boiler, water heater or zoned heating.
Have an annual cleanout and tune-up performed in the Spring or Summer before the heating season, to insure your system operates at peak efficiency. A dirty or poorly tuned furnace or boiler burns more oil, resulting in higher heating bills.
We install and service what we sell!
Super-efficient heating equipment: As a service customer, you have access to a wide range of super-efficient heating equipment designed to suit your specific family needs, including:
- Heating Equipment: Furnaces and Boilers
- Hydro Air Systems
- Hot Water Heaters
- Humidifiers
- Electronic Air Filters
- New Oil Tank Installations
Our friendly, knowledgeable equipment specialists will guide you through the entire process and recommend products on their efficiency, durability and ease of service.
TIPS: – If the oil burner fails to operate follow this check list:
- Is thermostat setting five degrees or more above room temperature?
- Roll dial back and forth. Tap lightly.
- Is emergency switch “ON”?
- Is the circuit breaker tripped? Check for blown or loose fuse.
- Press the re-set button on relay ONCE ONLY!
- Is water at the proper level? (steam systems only)
*Arctica Heating and Cooling and RLD Heating and Cooling can also install and service air conditioning systems.
Accurate Oil Burner Service LLC
Service Contracts-Repair-Installation Lic# S-1 303483 Frederick E. Jordan, Cory D. Bartlett 860-526-9055
RLD Heating & Cooling, Inc
Professional Service & Installation Lic# S1-389522 860-663-3181
Please call the service companies below for their service contract information: